1. Congrats a THOUSAND times over, Paps! It was fun to be a small part of this with you all. Go CANADA!

  2. I see the Alberta boy in you is making a come back. Congrats on a great race and a great accomplishment.

  3. I’m in awe, Mr. Paps. Not only with how good you make that garb look, but also at your WS accomplishment. It’s great to see it all come together for you after hearing all about the training and races leading in. Well done!

    By the way, did you end up using the headlamp your daughters science fair project called the winner?

    Congratulations, Dave.

  4. Thanks guys!

    Thanks again Justin for the post-Tiger Mountain pep talk. Early on I didn’t think I’d have anything left for the really runnable stuff over the last 20 miles, but I did and kept telling myself, this is where Justin said I’d start picking off runners. And I did, including some real prizes like Jaime, Thornley, and my buddy Mike. If the race was only a few miles longer, Huggins was mine!

    Yes Tom, I used the very same headlamp. What can I say? I love the Princeton Tec Apex.

    Damn, does this mean I have to do another hundred?

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