For Clinic Members’ Eyes Only

In my marathon clinic? Show your ID at the door. The rest of you move along. There's nothing to see here.

I’ve posted a training chart for the past two clinics. This time around I’ve got two flavours: smoked salmon and Boston clam chowder.

As I mentioned in the top secret post prior to those earlier clinics, I use a single-page chart to track my weekly mileage for each marathon I’ve run. The charts complement my more-detailed training logs. I like that I can see at a glance if I’m running enough, doing enough strength training, completely neglecting the yoga I planned to do regularly, or see when I’ve been sick, injured, or out of town. I’m a total pack rat so I keep all the old ones and use them as references when comparing my current training cycle to my training for past marathons.

Typically I’ll pencil-in future races or key workouts to build a rough training and racing schedule for myself and then fill in the actual daily info in pen as I go. At the end of each week, I tally up the kilometres and write them on the line at the end of each row. This sample chart is from my 2009 BMO Vancouver Marathon and is typical of the scribbled mess I end up with by race day.

Click here for the 2011 Boston Marathon chart

Click here for the 2011 BMO Vancouver Marathon chart