It’s been a week since my second Durolane injection. I’m like a lab rat, only I’m not running on asphalt instead of a wheel in a cage… and nobody’s paying me.
Category: Durolane Diaries
Durolane Diaries 2: Week 1
The first week with the second injection and the hip’s first big test… and second and third.
Durolane Diaries: Back on the Juice
I go for the second round of Durolane in my osteoarthritic right hip and get an odd lecture about how running is bad for me.
Durolane Diaries 2: August 23
Counting the days until my second Durolane injection and apparently my ankle is feeling a little neglected.
Durolane Diaries 2: The Sequel
One more week ’til I’m back on the juice!