Midtown Funk 26k

The Midtown Funk 26k is going to funk you up!

Midtown Funk 26k map

Turn-by-Turn Directions:
WEST on 7th — LEFT on Fir — RIGHT on Marpole Ave and then stay LEFT on Marpole — RIGHT on Angus St — LEFT at 40th Ave (to do the Shaughnessy loop) — LEFT on Churchill St — LEFT on Connaught St — LEFT on 32nd Ave — RIGHT on Beverly Cr — LEFT on 29th Ave — LEFT on Angus > East Blvd — LEFT on 64th Ave — RIGHT on Adera St — LEFT on SW Marine Dr > 70th Ave — LEFT on SW Marine Dr — LEFT on Ontario St — after 52nd Ave go LEFT onto Langara Trail at NE corner of Langara Golf Course and do full COUNTER-CLOCKWISE loop back to where you entered, exit and continue NORTH on Ontario — LEFT on 33rd and climb Queen Elizabeth Park hill going straight from 33rd and taking first LEFT, following road to Lions Clock — go counter-clockwise around Bloedel Conservatory and down the stone steps on the far side and down path toward 33rd — when you reach parking before 33rd, go LEFT through parking and LEFT on the road toward the Pitch & Putt parking lot — go RIGHT after the parking lot to exit the park — LEFT on 37th Ave — LEFT on Ontario — LEFT on 7th Ave back to Cambie

What’s that you say? You want a smaller shot of the Midtown Funk? Cut out a loop or two, or try the new Midtown Funk 23k and 20k!

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